Bugmaster Flowable Insecticide (Carbaryl)

Bugmaster Flowable Insecticide controls a broad range of insect pests in fruit, nuts, vegetables, crops and pastures; and for certain other uses as specified on the label including fruit thinning.

Bugmaster contains the active ingredient Carbaryl and is registered to control a broad spectrum of target pests and a range of insects resistant to other insecticides.

Active Ingredient: Carbaryl @ 500 g/L

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Bugmaster Flowable Insecticide (Carbaryl) BUGMASTER AgNova


Bugmaster Flowable Insecticide

Active Ingredient: Carbaryl @ 500 g/L

Bugmaster Flowable Insecticide controls a broad range of insect pests in fruit, nuts, vegetables, crops and pastures; and for certain other uses as specified on the label including fruit thinning.

Bugmaster contains the active ingredient Carbaryl and is registered to control a broad spectrum of target pests and a range of insects resistant to other insecticides.

Bugmaster is a  low odour insecticide and gives good residual on foliage and has a high level of crop safety.

Bugmasters formulation makes handling, measuring and mixing easier.

What are some of the pests Bugmaster Flowable Insecticide controls;

28-Spotted Ladybird (Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata) Leafroller Moths (F. Tortricidae)
Ants (F. Formicidae) Light-brown Apple Moth (Epiphyas postvittana)
Armyworms (F. Noctuidae) Loopers (F. Geometridae)
Australian Plague Locust (Chortoicetes terminifera) Lucerne Flea (Sminthurus viridis)
Beetles (O. Coleoptera) Lucerne Leafroller (Merophyas divulsana)
Black Sunflower Scarab (Pseudoheteronyx spp.) Macadamia Cup Moth (Comana fasciata)
Bronze Orange Bug (Musgraveia sulciventris) Macadamia Nutborer (Macadamia Nut Moth) (Cryptophlebia ombrodelta)
Brown Planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) Macadamia Twig-girdler (Neodrepta luteotactella)
Browsing Insects (Various) Mealybugs (F. Pseudococcidae)
Cabbage Moth (Plutella xylostella) Migratory Locust (Locusta migratoria)
Cabbage White Butterfly (Pieris rapae) Monolepta Beetle (see Red-shouldered Leaf Beetle)
Castor Oil Looper (Achaea janata) Moths (O. Lepidoptera)
Caterpillars (O. Lepidoptera) Orange Fruit Borer (Isotenes miserana)
Chewing Insects (Various) Oriental Fruit Moth (Cydia molesta)
Citrus Leaf-eating Caterpillar (Various) Palm Leaf Beetle (Brontispa longissima)
Cluster Caterpillar (Spodoptera litura) Pasture Cockchafer (F. Scarabaeidae)
Codling Moth Cydia pomonella 6 Pasture Leafhopper (Toya spp.)
Common Mango Scale (Aulacaspis tubercularis) Pear and Cherry Slug (Caliroa cerasi)
Cornelian (Butterfly) (Deudorix epijarbas and Deudorix diovis) Pearleaf Blister Mite (Phytoptus pyri)
Cucurbit Stemborer (Apomecyna histrio) Pink Wax Scale (Ceroplastes rubens)
Cutworms Agrotis Spp.; (F. Noctuidae) Potato Moth (Phthorimaea operculella)
Early Fruit Caterpillars (Heliothis) (Helicoverpa spp.) Pumpkin Beetle (Aulacophora hilaris)
Elm Leaf Beetle (Pyrrhalta luteola) Raspberry Fruit Caterpillar (Lobesia spp)
English Wasp (Vespula germanica) Red-shouldered Leaf Beetle (Monolepta Beetle) (Monolepta australis)
European Earwig (Forficula auricularia) Rhyparida Beetle (Rhyparida spp.)
European Wasp (Vespula vulgaris) Rough Bollworm Earias huegeli 8
Fig Leafhoppers (Austroasca australica) Rutherglen Bug (Nysius vinitor)
Flattid Planthoppers (F. Flatidae) Sandal-box Hawk Moth (Coenotes eremophilae)
Fleas (O. Siphonaptera) Sitona Weevil (Sitona discoideus)
Fruit Tree Borer (Cryptophasa melanostigma) Sorghum Midge (Contarinia sorghicola)
Fruit Piercing Moth (Fruit Sucking Moth) (Various) Spined Citrus Bug (Biprorulus bibax)
Fuller’s Rose Weevil (Asynonychus cervinus) Sucking Insects (Various)
Grass Caterpillar (Herpetogramma licarsisalis) Swarming Leaf Beetle (Rhyparida spp.)
Grasshoppers (F. Acrididae) Sweet Potato Weevil (Cylas formicarius)
Green Treehopper (Sextius virescens) Tobacco Beetle (Lasioderma serricorne)
Green Vegetable Bug (Nezara viridula) Tobacco Leaf Miner (Phthorimaea operculella)
Heliothis (Budworms) (Helicoverpa spp.) Vegetable Weevil (Listroderes difficilis)
Honey Bees in concealed hives (Apis mellifera) Wasps (see English & European Wasp)
Jassids (see Leafhoppers) Weevils (F. Curculionidae)
Leaf Eating Beetles (F. Chrysomelidae) White Wax Scale (Gascardia destructor)
Leaf Eating Ladybirds (Epilachna spp.) Wingless Grasshopper (Phaulacridium vittatum)
Leaf Eating Loopers (F. Geometridae) Yellow Peach Moth (Conogethes punctiferalis)
Leafhoppers (jassids) (F. Cicadellidae) Yellow-winged Locust (Gastrimargus musicus)

What Crop/Situation can Bugmaster Flowable Insecticide be used in;

Apples Jaboticaba (non-fruiting / non-flowering only) Pecans
Apricots Jackfruit (non-fruiting / non-flowering only) Plums
Avocados Kenaf (non-food crops only) Pome fruit
Beetroot Lemons Pome fruit (thinning)
Cereals Litchis (non-fruiting / non-flowering only) Potatoes
Citrus (oranges and lemons only) Longans Prunes
Cocoa Loquats (thinning, up to fruit size 10 mm only) Rambutans (non-fruiting / non-flowering only)
Coconut Lucerne Raspberries
Commercial areas Macadamias Rice
Cotton Maize Rights of way
Cucurbits (melons and other cucurbits, prior to flowering only) Mangoes Rosella (non-food crops only)
Duboisia Nectarines Roses
Elm Trees Non-crop areas Sorghum
Feijoa (non-fruiting / non-flowering only) Oranges Stone fruit (except cherries)
Grapes (butt treatment only) Ornamentals Strawberry (runner production only)
Guavas (non-fruiting / non-flowering only) Pasture seed crops Swedes
Hazelnuts Pastures Sweet potato
Indian sandalwood (plantations & nurseries) Peaches Tobacco bulk sheds
Industrial areas Pears Turnips

Bugmaster Flowable Insecticide Pack Sizes: 5-Litre & 20-Litre

Registrant: Ag Nova (Tessenderlo Kerley Inc.) (APVMA #: 40146)

Insecticide Product Range

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  1. Tracy

    Tracy (verified owner)

    Awesome product! And always super fast delivery from the Team at Specialist Sales. Love your work Guys!!

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  2. Damo

    Good Stuff

    Damo (verified owner)

    It came well packed and with no damage. It kills what it needs to and seems very thick and strong. I am happy with the product and Service from Specialist sales.

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredient Carbaryl.
  • Controls a broad spectrum of target pests.
  • Controls a range of insects resistant to other insecticides.
  • Good residual on foliage.
  • Low odour.
  • Flowable formulation makes handling, measuring and mixing easier.
  • Wide range of label registrations.
  • High level of crop safety.

Directions Of Use

Rates (General Guide Only):

  • Ornamentals: 150mL – 200mL per 100L Water (2.2L per Hectare)
  • Tree & Vine Crops: 100mL – 290mL per 100L Water (2.2L per Hectare) 
  • Fruit & Vegetables: 160mL – 300mL per 100L Water (2.2L per Hectare) 
  • Field Crops & Pastures: 160mL – 200mL per 100L Water (500mL – 2.2L per Hectare) 
  • Industrial & External Domestic Areas: 130mL – 2L per 100L Water.

Rates Are a General Guide Only. Before Opening, Carefully Read Bugmaster Flowable Insecticide Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions.

Questions and answers from customers

    Is Bugmaster Flowable Insecticide effective for Pear and Cherry Slug Control on Ornamental Pear and Cherry Trees? If so how is it best to be applied?

  1. Q Is Bugmaster Flowable Insecticide effective for Pear and Cherry Slug Control on Ornamental Pear a...... Read more
    Asked by Mark on October 12, 2024 11:22 am
    Answered by the admin

    Bugmaster Flowable Insecticide includes Pear and Cherry Slug (Caliroa cerasi) on the label as a pest that the product controls and it is registered for use in ornamentals. For application, you must ensure even, thorough coverage of the target area. The application should be made using appropriate spray equipment and sufficient water to provide adequate penetration and coverage. To mix, fill the tank half full of water, add Bugmaster Flowable Insecticide, mix thoroughly, then add the remainder of the water and mix again. Shake container before use. Please note that equipment settings and water volume may need to vary, depending on the crop's growth stage and do not apply under weather conditions or from spraying equipment, which could be expected to cause spray to drift onto adjacent crops, croplands, pastures or livestock. For ornamentals, apply when pests appear and repeat as necessary. NOTE: Because of the wide range of ornamentals and their pests, phytotoxicity and efficacy cannot be guaranteed, so use a small test area before widespread use. Please ensure you read the SDS and Label before purchase and use to confirm suitability and best practice application for your situation. These are available under 'SDS and Technical' on the product page on our website.


Send me a notification for each new answer.

Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Apple & Pome Fruit Codling Moth, Early Fruit Caterpillar, Fruit Thinning, Light Brown Apple Moth, Pearleaf Blister Mite
Apricot, Nectarine, Peach, Plum, Prune, & Stone Fruit European Earwig, Fruit-tree Borer Moth, Green Treehopper, Helicoverpa Spp., Light Brown Apple Moth, Orange Fruit Borer, Oriental Fruit Moth, Pear And Cherry Slug, Red Shouldered Leaf Beetle
Avocado Monolepta Beetle
Bean Helicoverpa Spp.
Bowling Green, Golf Green Turf & Lawn Grass-crown Mealybug, Lawn Grub
Cereal Crop Armyworm, Australian Plague Locust, Cutworm - Agrotis Spp., Helicoverpa Spp., Migratory Locust, Rutherglen Bug, Wingless Grasshopper, Yellow-winged Locust
Commercial/industrial Land European Earwig, Small Plague Grasshopper, Weevil, Wingless Grasshopper
Cotton Rough Bollworm
Cucurbit Cucurbit Stemborer, Helicoverpa Spp., Pumpkin Beetle, Twenty Eight-spotted Potato Ladybird
Duboisia Or Corkwood Australian Plague Locust, Cluster Caterpillar, Grasshopper, Leaf-eating Ladybird - Epilachna Spp., Sandal-box Hawk Moth
Elm Tree Elm Leaf Beetle
Feijoa & Guava Orange Fruit Borer
Fruit Crop Wingless Grasshopper
Grape Cutworm - Agrotis Spp.
Industrial Buildings/structure - External Ant, English Wasp, European Earwig, European Honey Bee, European Wasp, Small Plague Grasshopper, Wasp, Weevil, Wingless Grasshopper
Jaboticaba & Jackfruit Leaf Beetle
Kenaf & Sweet Corn Red Shouldered Leaf Beetle
Leafy Vegetable & Root Vegetable Vegetable Weevil
Lemon & Orange Bronze Orange Bug, Citrus Leaf-eating Caterpillar, Fruit Sucking (fruitpiercing) Moth, Fuller's Rose Weevil, Light Brown Apple Moth, Orange Fruit Borer, Pinkwax Scale, Spined Or Larger Horned Citrus Bug, White Wax Scale, Yellow Peach Moth
Loquat Light Brown Apple Moth
Lucerne Pasture - Refer To Label Helicoverpa Spp., Leafhopper, Lucerne Flea, Lucerne Leafroller, Sitona Weevil
Lychee Castor Oil Looper, Leaf Beetle, Leaf-eating Looper, Macadamia Nutborer, Monolepta Beetle, Red Shouldered Leaf Beetle, Yellow Peach Moth
Macadamia Nut Cornelian Butterfly, Macadamia Cup Moth, Macadamia Nut Moth, Macadamia Nutborer, Macadamia Twig Girdler, Monolepta Beetle, Yellow Peach Moth
Maize Australian Plague Locust, Migratory Locust, Red Shouldered Leaf Beetle, Yellow-winged Locust
Mango Common Mango Scale, Fig Leafhopper, Mango Scale, Pinkwax Scale, Planthopper
Non-crop Area - General & Right-of-way - General Ant, European Earwig, Flea, Moth, Small Plague Grasshopper, Weevil, Wingless Grasshopper
Ornamental Beetle, Cabbage Moth, Cabbage White Butterfly, Caterpillar, Chewing Insect, Cutworm - Agrotis Spp., European Earwig, Green Vegetable Bug, Helicoverpa Spp., Leaf-eating Ladybird-e. Guttatopustulata, Leafroller Moth, Looper, Potato Moth, Pumpkin Beetle, Rutherglen Bug, Sucking Insects, Tobacco Leafminer, White Wax Scale, Wingless Grasshopper
Pasture Armyworm, Australian Plague Locust, Blackheaded Pasture Cockchafer, Cutworm - Agrotis Spp., Grass Caterpillar, Helicoverpa Spp., Lucerne Flea, Lucerne Leafroller, Migratory Locust, Pasture Leafhopper, Rutherglen Bug, Sitona Weevil, Wingless Grasshopper, Yellow-winged Locust
Pasture Seed Crop Armyworm, Australian Plague Locust, Blackheaded Pasture Cockchafer, Cutworm - Agrotis Spp., Grass Caterpillar, Helicoverpa Spp., Lucerne Flea, Lucerne Leafroller, Migratory Locust, Pasture Leafhopper, Sitona Weevil, Yellow-winged Locust
Pear Codling Moth, Early Fruit Caterpillar, Fruit Thinning, Light Brown Apple Moth, Pear And Cherry Slug, Pearleaf Blister Mite
Pecan Orange Fruit Borer, Yellow Peach Moth
Potato Potato Moth
Rambutan Castor Oil Looper, Leaf Beetle, Red Shouldered Leaf Beetle
Raspberry Grasshopper, Light Brown Apple Moth, Raspberry Fruit Caterpillar
Rice Brown Planthopper
Rose Cluster Caterpillar, Light Brown Apple Moth
Rosella Leaf-eating Beetle
Sorghum Armyworm, Australian Plague Locust, Cutworm - Agrotis Spp., Helicoverpa Spp., Migratory Locust, Rutherglen Bug, Sorghum Midge, Wingless Grasshopper, Yellow-winged Locust
Strawberry Grasshopper
Sunflower Armyworm, Black Scarab Beetle, Cutworm - Agrotis Spp., Helicoverpa Spp., Rutherglen Bug, Wingless Grasshopper
Tobacco Storage And Handling Equipment Ant, European Earwig, Flea, Moth, Tobacco Beetle, Weevil
Tomato False Wireworm - Celibe Spp., Leafminer Caterpillar
Vegetable Armyworm, Cabbage Moth, Cabbage White Butterfly, Cutworm - Agrotis Spp., European Earwig, Green Vegetable Bug, Helicoverpa Spp., Leaf-eating Ladybird - Epilachna Spp., Potato Moth, Pumpkin Beetle, Rutherglen Bug, Vegetable Weevil, Wingless Grasshopper

Tips For Use


  • Do not make more than four applications per season to avocados.
  • Do not make more than three applications per season to mangoes.
  • Do not apply by air unless otherwise specified.
  • Do not allow spray to drift off-target onto sensitive areas, including (but not limited to) natural streams, rivers, waterways, wetlands, water bodies, watercourses or neighbouring properties.

The application of Bugmaster Flowable to flowering crops during the period 7 days prior to flowering to 30 days post-flowering may result in fruit thinning. Do not apply Bugmaster Flowable to flowering crops during this period if fruit thinning is unacceptable.


  • Shake container before use. Fill tank half full of water, add Bugmaster Flowable and mix thoroughly, then add remainder of water and mix again.
  • When using as a tank mix with spray oils, add the product after thoroughly mixing the oil with water in the spray tank.


  • Good pest control and fruit thinning (pome fruit) requires even, thorough coverage of the target area.
  • The application should be made using appropriate spray equipment and sufficient water to provide adequate penetration and coverage.
  • Equipment settings and water volume may need to vary, depending on the growth stage of the crop.
  • Do not apply under weather conditions, or from spraying equipment, which could be expected to cause spray to drift onto adjacent crops, croplands, pastures or livestock.


Re-Entry Periods

  • Raspberries and Ornamentals: Do not allow entry into treated areas or re-handle treated plants by workers or members of the public for 8 days after treatment. When prior entry is required wear rubber gloves and cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist. Clothing and gloves must be washed after each day’s use.
  • Nursery Stock: Tree Crops in Containers. Do not allow entry into treated areas or re-handle treated plants for 1 day after treatment. When prior entry or re-handling is required wear rubber gloves and cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist. Clothing and gloves must be washed after each day’s use.
  • Cotton Crops: Do not allow entry into treated areas for 2 days after treatment. When prior entry is required wear rubber gloves and cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist. Clothing and gloves must be washed after each day’s use.
  • All Other Crops: Do not allow entry into treated areas for 1 day after treatment. When prior entry is required wear rubber gloves and cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist. Clothing and gloves must be washed after each day’s use.

Protection of Livestock:

  • Dangerous to bees.
  • Do not spray any plants in flower while bees are foraging.


  • Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area.
  • Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight.

Safety Directions:

  • Product is poisonous if absorbed by skin contact or swallowed.
  • Will irritate the eyes and skin.
  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
  • When opening the container and preparing the spray and using the prepared spray wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and a washable hat and elbow-length chemical resistant gloves.
  • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water.
  • After each day’s use, wash gloves and contaminated clothing.
  • Avoid bare skin contact with treated surfaces for 7 days.

First Aid:

  • If swallowed, splashed on skin or in eyes, or inhaled, contact a Poisons Information Centre (phone 13 11 26) or a doctor at once.
  • Remove any contaminated clothing and wash skin thoroughly.
  • If swallowed, activated charcoal may be advised.
  • Give atropine if instructed.
  • For further information refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP):

  • Coconut, Cucurbits, Feijoa, Grapes, Guavas, Jaboticaba, Jackfruit, Litchis, Longans, Loquats, Macadamia Nuts, Pecan Nuts, Rambutans, Strawberries: Withholding period not required when used as directed
  • Avocadoes, Beetroot, Cotton, Lemons, Oranges, Potato, Swede, Sweet Potato, Turnips: Do not harvest for 3 days after application.
  • Mangoes, Raspberries: Do not harvest for 7 days after application
  • Cereal Grains: Do not harvest for 14 days after application
  • Stone Fruit: Do not harvest for 5 weeks after application
  • Pome Fruit: Do not harvest for 11 weeks after application
  • Kenaf and Rosella: Do not use on kenaf or rosella crops that will be used for human consumption


  • Cereal Grains: Do not graze or cut for stock food for 14 days after application
  • Field Crops, Pasture and Lucerne: Do Not Graze Or Cut For Stock Food For 7 Days After Application

Livestock Feeding Restraints:

  • Cotton: This product must not be used on cotton where cotton trash, fodder or stubble (excluding seed and hulls) will or may be fed to livestock. Do not feed cotton fodder, stubble or trash to livestock.

SDS & Technical

Bugmaster Flowable Insecticide Label Text Download Pdf
Bugmaster Flowable Insecticide Label Download Pdf
Bugmaster Flowable Insecticide SDS Download Pdf

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